The first Salon Aberystwyth debate –
What’s the problem with identity politics?
Speakers: Lucy Taylor, Senior Lecturer in Latin American Politics at Aberystwyth
and Ella Whelan, journalist & author
Date & time: Thursday 29th November, at 18h15 (for 18h30 start) to 20h30
Venue: Main hall, International Politics building, Prifysgol Aberystwyth / campus of Aberystwyth University.
Identity politics is an ever-present and increasingly contentious feature of contemporary Western public life. Categories of race, gender, sexuality, religion and culture have become central to how individuals define themselves, and how we express solidarity in the fight for a just and tolerant society. So why is it so contentious? Isn’t it just a continuation of past struggles against inequality and oppression? Or does contemporary identity politics actually threaten the very principles of solidarity and tolerance it claims to seek?
Ella Whelan is a journalist and was the assistant editor at spiked. She writes for the Spectator, The Sunday Times, the Sun, The Economist, Conscience Magazine and others. Ella is the author of What Women Want: Fun, Freedom and an End to Feminism (Conor Court, 2017). You’ll also hear her on radio and TV.
Dr Lucy Taylor is an academic and author of many publications, including Is democracy a good idea? in Global Politics: A New Introduction. Edkins, J. & Zehfuss, M. (eds.). 2nd ed.; 2013.
Digwyddiad cyntaf Salon Aberystwyth – dadl ar:
Pam fod hunaniaeth yn achosi ffrwgwd yn ein hoes?
Siaradwragedd: Ella Whelan, newyddiadurwr ac awdur, a Dr Lucy Taylor, darlithydd mewn gwleidyddiaeth De’r Amerig ym mrhrifysgol Aberystwyth
Dyddiad & amser: 29fed Tachwedd, am 18h15 (i gychwyn am 18h30) hyd 20h30
Ymhle: Prifysgol Aberystwyth – prif neuadd yr adran Gwleidyddiaeth Rhyngwladol.
Mae thema hunaniaeth yn ymddangos ym mhob ran o’n bywyd cyhoeddus bellach, a hynny ar ffurf fwyfwy cecrus. Daeth categorïau hil, rhywedd, rhywioldeb, crefydd a chelfyddyd yn ganolig i sut y mae unigolion yn diffinio eu hunain, ac wrth inni ddangos ein hochor tra’n ceisio cymdeithas teg a goddefgar. Felly pam yr holl gwrthdaro a ffreuo? Parhâd hen frwydrau am gydraddoldeb a diwedd i ormes yr ydym yn ei weld? Neu a oes peryg fod gwleidydda ar sail hunaniaeth yn bygwth egwyddorion solidariaeth a goddefgarwch, yn hytrach na’u hybu?